Free Initial Consultation

Comunale Law

Experience You Need

Results You Want

Child Custody

Develop a parenting plan that
will provide children with the
nourishment and security that
they need.

Divorce & Family Law

As Dayton, Ohio divorce lawyers we
handle each case individually,
assuring that the case is resolved to
the full satisfaction of our clients.

Criminal Defense

With winning trial records we will
protect your rights to achieve
successful outcome for
all criminal cases.


Being charged with an operating a
vehicle under the influence (OVI)
charge in Ohio can have a huge
effect on your life.

Why Choose Us

Aggressive representation
with a personal hands on approach.

Providing over 20 years of quality, experienced legal services for Dayton, Ohio and all of the Miami Valley. Our practice areas include Divorce, Custody, Family Law, Criminal Matters, DUI, Personal Injury, Small Business Litigation and Contract Disputes. Serving the communities and counties of Dayton and Montgomery County, Springboro and Warren, Xenia and Greene, Springfield and Clark, Miami, Preble, and Darke.

Why Choose Us

What Do You Do If You Have Been
Arrested Or Are Facing Criminal Charges?

What types of criminal cases do we represent?

DUI’s, OVI’s, Drug Charges, Drivers’ License Suspension, Underage Drinking, Assault and Battery, Domestic Violence and Abuse, Gun Crimes and Weapons Offenses, Sex Crimes and Sexual Assault, White Collar Crimes, Theft and Burglary, Manslaughter, Homicide, and many more. Call to see if we can assist you with your criminal charge.

What potential penalties could you be facing?

Misdemeanor charges, which are generally imposed on those with no prior criminal record and for lesser offenses such as traffic offenses and non-violent theft crimes. These charges involve fines up to $1,000 and up to six months’ jail time. Felony charges are often imposed on those with a criminal past or for crimes such as robbery, assault, or attempted homicide. These charges carry heavier sentences, with fines up to $20,000 and mandatory imprisonment up to ten years or more.

What constitutes as an OVI/DUI in Ohio?

A person is guilty of an OVI offense when they are operating a motor vehicle and are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both; or
Have a blood alcohol concentration level of .08 percent or greater.

What are the penalties for driving under the influence in Ohio?

A first offense DUI offense in the state of Ohio is penalized by an incarceration period of up to six months, a fine of up to $1,000, and a license suspension period of up to three years. While the legal limit is .08 percent for most adults, it is only .04 percent for commercial drivers, and .02 percent for those under age 21.

Why should you not make a statement to authorities?

Remember anything you say can be used against you later. Chances are, even if what you say is an attempt to help you get out of your situation, it can be distorted by the police officer during later court hearings. Before deciding on a defense, meet with your attorney and allow a professional to guide you in what is the proper legal defense to your case.

Why should you not rely on any promises or threats?

It is not unusual for the police to promise that “nothing bad will happen”, or threaten that, if you don’t talk, “things can get worse.” If you are a suspect in a criminal charge the police are not your friend. Keep quiet until an attorney is available to speak with.

Why should you demand to speak with a Dayton criminal defense attorney?

You have the right to consult with an attorney before speaking to the police. Tell them that you want an attorney present before you answer any questions. Once you ask for an attorney the police cannot ask you anymore questions. For them to do so is a violation of your constitutional rights. Tell the police that you want an attorney even if you don’t think you can afford one. The law requires that you be provided one free of charge if you cannot afford to hire one.

Why should you contact a defense attorney if there is a warrant out for your arrest

An attorney can request that the warrant be withdrawn, allowing you to remain free while the criminal charges are pending. You should be aware that in some very serious cases no bond or an extremely high bond may be set. If you are arrested on a warrant invoke your rights immediately.

Considering Divorce Or Have Questions Concerning Family Law?

What are Grounds for Divorce in Ohio?

Bigamy, or having more than one spouse; Willful abandonment by one of the parties for a period of one year or more; Adultery; Extreme cruelty; Fraudulent contract, in which deception was used to get you to enter into the marriage; Gross neglect of the typical duties of a spouse; Habitual drunkenness; Spousal imprisonment in a state or federal criminal institution; Procurement of a divorce from outside the state; On the application of either party, when the couple in question has been separated for a period of one year or more; On the grounds of mutual incompatibility.

What are the laws in Ohio in regard to distribution of marital property

While it is not uncommon in divorce proceedings for one spouse to attempt to hide assets from the other, Ohio laws concerning distribution of marital property provide serious penalties for spouses that attempt to do so. Our Dayton divorce attorneys have the legal knowledge and experience to help uncover hidden assets ensuring you get the property settlement amount you deserve.

What are the laws in Ohio in regard to spousal support and alimony

Issues involving spousal support and payments of alimony are among the most hotly contested in the family court, and have the potential to impact your life both now and in the years to come. Under section 3105.18 of the Ohio Code, the court is authorized to consider marital misconduct when deciding if and how much of this type of support should be awarded.

How is child custody determined in Ohio?

The child’s relationship with each parent; Each parent’s income and ability to financially provide for the child; Whether moving in with one parent would significantly disrupt the child’s academic progress; The child’s personal needs; Any history of domestic violence in either household; Both parents’ physical and mental health; and If the child is old enough to articulate a rational, well-developed opinion about where to live, his or her opinion may be considered.

What is a divorce?

You must be a resident of Ohio for 6 months before filing a divorce. You may file a legal separation before that. “Residency” has a legal definition and may or may not include more than physical presence.

What is Dissolution?

A dissolution is an agreement between husband and wife to end a marriage. The parties must agree on the following: That they both wish to end the marriage; How to divide up their assets and debts; If there are children, how they will take responsibility for caring for them after the marriage ends; Finally they must cooperate with one another in reaching the agreement, filling out paperwork and appearing together in court.

What is the difference between a divorce and a dissolution?

A divorce is a law suit in which each party contests all factors relating to the ending of their marriage (custody, support, asset division etc.). Generally a divorce will end with an agreement reached by the parties as to all aspects of their divorce. A dissolution begins the way most divorces end, i.e. with an agreement up front. A dissolution takes much less time, is less stressful and can cost substantially less than a divorce. For these reasons a dissolution may be the preferred way to go.

How long do you need to live in Ohio to divorce here?

You must be a resident of Ohio for 6 months before filing a divorce. You may file a legal separation before that. “Residency” has a legal definition and may or may not include more than physical presence.

Our Testimonials

We handle each case individually, assuring that the case is resolved.

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